Wednesday, August 19, 2020

security +certification


IT professionals who are experts in the various fields of networking are in high demand in today’s job market. Those who are serious about their IT careers should consider one or more of these top-level networking certifications to set themselves apart from their competitors.

security + cert

For the care and feeding of modern networks, there is a fairly long list of tools and technologies that skilled IT professionals must master, especially those who want to work as network administrators. In addition to the servers and clients that are endpoints in such environments, there are many network infrastructures of concern. This includes switches and routers (both physical and virtual), as well as many devices and services, such as unified threat management (UTM), next generation firewalls (NGF), software defined networking (SDN), and network functions. , virtualization (NFV) and WAN optimization, as well as spam, email and content filtering.


Understanding all of these certification and specialty options can be challenging, but knowing where to start can be overwhelming. We look at five networking certificates (in order of appearance in the job board table below) that we see as leaders in the field of networking for 2019 and beyond.

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